Silbury Hill


Silbury Hill

This unassuming and seemingly insignificant hill lies just off the A4 about 5 miles west of Marlborough. This enigmatic green mound is impressive not for its height (130ft) but its age and with its estimated construction date at 2600BC it stands as the largest artificial prehistoric mound in Europe. With little more than the help of some rudimentary tools, the construction of Silbury Hill would have required thousands of man hours of labour. While no one can guarantee why it was constructed, popular belief is that it was probably built as a burial mound. For obvious preservation reasons, walking on the actual hill is prohibited. Across the road on the other side of the carpark you'll find a footpath which will take you to West Kennet Long Barrow. Lying half a mile away this is a relic to the dead in the form of a chamber tome which dates to approximately 3250BC. Indeed, to date archaelogic studies have uncovered almost 50 burial sites in West Kennet so far.
Silbury Hill Photo