St. Margaret's Church


St. Margaret's Church

The local church was built from flint which is found in the local chalk. It provided an excellent building material for the Normans who built a church here on the site of an earlier Saxon church. Constructed in the Early English Style, this hidden wonder is known amongst artists for its windows which were designed by Sir Edward Burne-Jones. Trained by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Burne-Jones is generally accepted to be one of the finest Pre-Raphaelite artists. He also brought about a revival in medieval applied arts and the stained glass windows you see here are a testament to this. On your visit also keep a look out for the bust of Dr Thomas Hooker. A vicar whose concerns fell in with those of his flock, he acted as a mounted lookout for the gang of smugglers. You may notice that the interior of the church walls appear to be off colour. This was the result of a French raid in 1377. Regrettably, the villagers came into the church for refuge but were trapped inside when it was set alight and many lives were lost.
St. Margaret's Church Photo