Leicestershire Map Showing Location of Wymondham

Map of Leicestershire
Population: 623 | District: Melton
Easting: 485486 Northing: 317721 | Latitude: 52.75 Longitude: -0.73
= Wymondham
Wymondham Leicestershire Map

This Wymondham map below is supplied by Google. Use the tools in the top left corner to zoom into street level or zoom out for a road map, you may also need to zoom in to see Wymondham on the map. Click and drag the map to move around. If the map fails to load try and refresh your browser or zoom in or out (+ or -).

The latitude and longitude points for Wymondham are taken from the boundry, so the marker may not be on town center.

Closest 30 Towns or Cities to Wymondham (Population over 500)

Waltham-on-the-Wolds 7.14km Waltham on the Wolds 7.14km Waltham 7.14km Melton Mowbray 10.26km Scalford 10.55km Eaton 10.83km Somerby 11.45km Ab Kettleby 12.88km Abkettley 12.88km Stathern 13.61km Hose 14.54km Twyford 15.44km Frisby-on-the-Wreak 15.82km Frisby on the Wreak 15.82km Frisby 15.82km Gaddesby 16.67km Redmile 17.27km Hoby 18.05km Rearsby 20.54km Billesdon 21.45km Queniborough 21.52km Queniboro 21.52km Houghton on the Hill 22.44km Houghton-on-the-Hill 22.44km Houghton 22.44km Bottesford 22.68km Hallaton 23.24km Syston 23.65km Wymeswold 24.95km Wimeswould 24.95km