Yorkshire Map Showing Location of Silkstone

Map of Yorkshire
Population: 2954 | District: Barnsley
Easting: 428718 Northing: 404186 | Latitude: 53.53 Longitude: -1.57
= Silkstone
Silkstone Yorkshire Map

This Silkstone map below is supplied by Google. Use the tools in the top left corner to zoom into street level or zoom out for a road map, you may also need to zoom in to see Silkstone on the map. Click and drag the map to move around. If the map fails to load try and refresh your browser or zoom in or out (+ or -).

The latitude and longitude points for Silkstone are taken from the boundry, so the marker may not be on town center.

Closest 30 Towns or Cities to Silkstone (Population over 500)

Dodworth 2.2km Penistone 3.79km Cawthorne 3.87km Worsbrough 5.81km Worsborough 5.81km Barnsley 5.81km Stocksbridge 5.98km Wortley 5.98km Darton 5.98km Birdwell 6.64km Denby Dale 7.58km Woolley 8.12km Hoyland 8.56km Hoyland Nether 8.56km Tankersley 8.64km Notton 9.23km West Bretton 9.27km Bretton 9.27km Emley 10.27km Cudworth 10.58km Shelley 10.69km Royston 10.69km Wombwell 11.17km Oughtibridge 11.17km Wharncliffe 11.17km Wharncliffe Side 11.17km Crigglestone 11.34km Shafton 11.36km Shepley 11.36km Kirkburton 11.51km